The Link Between Vitamin Deficiencies and Foot Problems: Remedies and Solutions

Our feet are the foundation of our body, supporting our weight and allowing us to move. However, they are often overlooked until pain or discomfort sets in. One factor that can contribute to various foot problems is vitamin deficiencies. In this article, we will explore the connection between vitamin deficiencies and foot issues and discuss remedies and solutions such as wearing orthotic insoles, selecting high-quality shoes, and performing stretches and exercises. We will also highlight some doctor recommended comfort shoe brands and innovative insole solutions.

Vitamin Deficiencies and Their Impact on Foot Health
Magnesium Deficiency

Magnesium is a crucial mineral that plays a vital role in various bodily functions, including muscle and nerve function, bon…

Hottest Techs are FoodTech and AgTech, Here’s Why

In an era defined by rapid technological evolution, and AgTech are emerging as the hottest sectors in the tech landscape. These fields harness the power of advanced technologies to revolutionize the way we produce, process, and distribute food, ensuring sustainability and efficiency across the global food supply chain. With the dual challenges of feeding a growing population and combating climate change, these technologies offer innovative solutions that promise to reshape our food systems.

What are FoodTech and AgTech?

FoodTech refers to the application of technology to improve food production, processing, and distribution, aiming to enhance food quality, safety, and sustainability. AgTech, or agricultural technology, focuses on the use of technological inn…

Beyond Fossil Fuels: Australia’s Hydrogen Car Distribution Vision

Australia s hydrogen car distribution vision represents a bold step towards a more sustainable and environmentally friendly transportation sector. By leveraging its abundant renewable resources and embracing hydrogen technology, Australia is paving the way for a cleaner, greener future. With collaboration between government, industry, and the public, Australia has the potential to become a global leader in hydrogen-powered transportation, setting an example for other nations to follow in the transition away from fossil fuels.

DEVELOPMENT: U.S. Might Just Choke the WHO

Aileen Kwa

GENEVA, May 21 2008 (IPS) – As the 61st annual World Health Assembly gathers in Geneva this week, a major issue that the world s governments are struggling with is patents on medicines, and whether the option to digress from a strict patent system should be endorsed by the United Nations World Health Organisation (WHO).
The United States is the sole country obstructing the ability of the WHO to push for a more flexible intellectual property system, according to several sources. This issue is being negotiated at the WHO s Intergovernmental Working Group on Public Health, Innovation and Intellectual Property (IGWG).

According to the WHO s website, developing countries remain largely excluded from the benefits of modern science. IGWG s mandate is to prepare a …

NAMIBIA: “If You Kiss for Five Minutes You Get It”

Servaas van den Bosch

WINDHOEK, Mar 16 2010 (IPS) – At home we have a bar, says grade seven learner David Bravo* (14). When my mother puts on the music I cannot concentrate on (my) schoolwork anymore. Sometimes, in the middle of the night, I just sit there and watch the people.
One the learners who attends the AIDS Care Trust's after-school programme in Katutura township near Windhoek. Credit: Servaas van den Bosch/IPS

One the learners who attends the AIDS Care Trust’s after-school programme in Katutura township near Windhoek. Cr…

Washington State Becomes Latest GMO Battleground

Protesters outside the offices of agriculture giant Monsanto who were rallying as part of a “national day of solidarity.” Credit: Daniel Lobo/cc by 2.0

SEATTLE, Washington, U.S., Oct 17 2013 (IPS) – The northwestern state of Washington could become the first in the U.S. to require labeling of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) on foods and food packages, after a similar measure in California failed last year.

Over 353,000 Washingtonians signed on to a petition creating Initiative 522, which will appear on the Nov. 5 ballot statewide. It notes that such labeling is fast becoming the international norm.”The ‘no’ side has corporations that are all bankrolling their …

Opinion: To Solve Hunger, Start with Soil

Anne-Marie Steyn is Series Producer of Shamba Shape-Up and a spokesperson for Farming First. The Farming First coalition is currently in New York advocating for agriculture’s central role in meeting the Sustainable Development Goals.

Experts give advice on potato-planting for greater yields in an episode of Shamba Shape Up.

Experts give advice on potato-planting for greater yields in an episode of Shamba Shape Up.

NAIROBI, Apr 24 2015 (IPS) – Peter looked confused as he recounted how he’d painstakingly planted potatoes to sell and to feed his family of eight, only to find that when harvest time rolled around he had been greeted with tiny tub…