Birthdays are times for festivities full of love, happiness, and good cheer. It takes on further significance when it’s a close friend’s birthday. Here, we’ll learn about the great custom of saying “feliz cumpleañoscomadre” on your comadre’s birthday. Learn with us the rituals and practices that will make your friend’s birthday very special.
The Significance of Comadres
Understanding the Comadre Bond
Let’s pause for a moment of gratitude for the special bond shared by comadres before we dive into the birthday celebrations. Comadres share a tie that goes beyond friendship sinc…
H-1B Visa Lottery Results- The H-1B visa program is a cornerstone of the United States’ approach to attracting skilled foreign workers in specialty occupations. These occupations typically require specialized knowledge and a bachelor’s degree or higher in fields such as IT, engineering, and healthcare. Given its popularity, the H-1B visa program is highly competitive, and the demand often surpasses the annual cap set by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). To manage this demand, USCIS employs a lottery system to select the lucky few who will receive an H-1B visa each year. For those who have applied, understanding the process and knowing how to check the H-1B lottery results is crucial.
The H-1B Visa Cap and Lottery System: H-1B…
Credit: Bigstock
UNITED NATIONS, May 11 2018 (IPS) – While the world’s population has changed dramatically over the last 50 years, little is still understood about fertility transition and the reasons behind it.
Over the last half a century, the global fertility rate has halved, reaching a level of 2.5 births per woman.
At the same time, the UN estimates that there will be 11 billion people in the world by 2100.
Given such trends, more needs to be understood about the factors that influence fe…